Featured ListingsDo you see a property in our featured listings that is of interest to you? Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with questions. Call or email Charlotte Lipscomb or Weston Lipscomb anytime. They are extremely well versed and knowledgeable relative to the inventory and the marketplace and are dedicated to finding properties that are perfectly suited to your needs. They have quite a history of success in the luxury market, but their long list of satisfied buyers and sellers represents a very broad client base that includes first time homebuyers, professionals, growing families, downsizing families, investors, 2nd homes, resort properties and much more. Charlotte and Weston are available to find the right property for you.
Have you been unable to find what you are looking for in the marketplace? Because of her long history, success in the business, and her many relationships in the community, Charlotte and Weston sell a startling number of properties and learn of many of them before they are actively on the market and publicly available through MLS. Contact Charlotte and Weston regarding those hard to find listings that might fit your needs.
Get In Touch
2500 Bee Cave Road, Bldg. 3, Suite 200, Austin, Tx 78746
(512) 789-6225
[email protected]